JP Hobby

G-Brake Wheel Anti-Sideslip Controller

G-Brake Wheel Anti-Sideslip Controller

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JP Hobby G-Brake Wheel Anti-Sideslip Controller

Download the Sequencer Setup Manual Here

This is the G-Brake wheel anti-sideslip controller for JP Hobby electric landing setup.

  • Power in: Power input (8.4V/2S lipo battery)
  • STR IN: Steering servo signal input
  • STR OUT: Steering servo signal output
  • Gear IN: Landing gear signal input (Will need a Y signal wire to connect the receiver and retract controller and Gyro gear signal)
  • Brake IN: Brake wheel signal input
  • Brake out: Connect to the brake wheels
  • STR NOR/REV: Steering servo Forward/Reverse switchover(The steering servo works in opposite way, push this button to adjust it into the correct direction)
  • GEAR NOR/REV: Landing gear Forward/Reverse switchover(The landing gear opened but not the Gyro function not working. Push this button to correct the Gyro function. When the landing gear closed the Gyro will turn off.)
  • Gyro ST: Gyro Gain setting(-100% ~ +100%) If the jet not running straight line, adjust the rotary switch to "-" or "+" direction.